Making The Perfect Post Workout Protein Shake

It is important to remember not to reduce the calories intake right after a workout when your metabolism is high. It is during the post workout that you body requires quality source of protein and carbohydrates to start the rebuilding process and the best moment to ensure your body have the right protein source to […]
The Effects Of Caffeine On Exercise Performance
The Effects of Caffeine on Exercise Performance By WLR Staff, by Kelly Olsen One look at the queue in your local coffee shop or coffee machine at work will convince anyone that a huge amount of coffee is consumed daily. As one of the most widely used stimulants in the world, caffeine occurs naturally in […]
More Than Just Bone Health
The Many Reasons Why Your Body Needs Vitamin D Vitamin D might just be the most popular nutrient to ever exist; products that contain high amounts of this vitamin, such as milk and breakfast cereals, proudly boast this fact on their packaging. This immense popularity is well deserved, as vitamin D is essential to ensuring […]
Personal Training For Kids
Written by Imad Zeidan, Personal Trainer 6 month ago I started training a 16-year-old client and few clients of mine had this reaction: 16 year old and he needs a personal trainer? some people are comfortable financially more then others. should you get your kid a personal trainer?” My answer? Why not? Kids and teens […]
Why Healthy Snacks After School Is a Must
It seems like every time you turn on the TV or open the newspaper, there is a study being reported about the health and welfare of today’s children. Politicians have gotten involved, FDA regulations have become stricter and school districts have worked harder to promote healthier food and lifestyles for children of all ages. While […]
Good Healthy Habits
Good Healthy Habits Tania Jain Good health is of prime importance to all of us. We need to be healthy, filled with abundant energy, sound sleep, and fit and disease free body, which will give us a sense of overall well being. In order to be fit and healthy we need to practice healthy living […]
Nutrition and older people | Older people diet | Eating healthy
Why is food important for me? Food is needed for energy, for keeping us strong and healthy. Eating well is important for wound healing and for fighting off illness and infection. Eating is also a social event – if you have access to Day Centre facilities, then buy cheap levitra online try to go along […]
Heart health and nutrition | Heart healthy eating | Heart healthy food
How does what I eat affect my heart? The food that we eat can affect the way that blood flows through the heart and blood vessels. Over time, a diet high in saturated fat can cause a build up (a plaque) in the arteries that can both slow down the flow of blood and weaken […]
Weight Loss
At Revolution PT we know that the only way to achieve healthy weight loss is by nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, we need three of them to be successful We all have New Year’s resolution, weight loss programs, and diet programs we get on treadmill, bike,s or any other equipment to burn a lot of calories, […]
Nutrition Recommendation
Nutrition The factors that determine your fitness are Rest, Exercise, Nutrition and Hydration. At Evolution we can recommend ways to improve your health but our main buy cheap cialis focus is upon your fitness. If you do not eat well exercise will help you improve your fitness, but not as much as if you […]